Past Events and Recognition
"It was a joy to celebrate the Exchange Club of Dayton’s 100th anniversary last Night! The show of support from so many was impressive: judges, governors office, mayors office, law enforcement, and more. Rockstar President Khadijah Ali and team have successfully cultivated community partners. Congratulations to the members, thanks for continuing Exchange’s legacy and for serving with excellence as a great example of unity for service."
Click HERE to see event photos!​
Circle of VisionKeepers Board of Directors and volunteers would like say thank you, to the Dayton community for your support of our Access to Justice Awards Gala! We were so proud of ABLE and LAWO Board member Khadijah Ali and Program Director of the Circle of VisionKeepers, Inc. who received the Pat Rousseau Community Impact Award. Khadijah and the late Pat Rousseau work with women who were seeking Pat's legal advise to regain custody or visitation for their children. The women were Reentry participants. Khadijah Ali provided supportive services for food, clothing housing referrals to help with the women's reintegration back into society. Pat was a mentor to Khadijah and Khadijah learned much and misses Pat greatly. Khadijah states she will honor Pat by continuing their work. An excellent evening to pause and honor those who devote their lives to service.
CVK​ Program Director
Khadijah Ali is the new president of the Presidents Club of Dayton, recently inducted during the Presidents Club Of Dayton Annual Citizen Legion of Honor Awards, with over 500 attending the event.
Khadijah Ali during her induction as
the new president of the
Presidents Club of Dayton.
Pictured with Jenell Ross, the recipient of the
2018 Citizen Legion Honoree Award.
Khadijah Ali with Judge Walter Rice when receiving the 2018
Pat Rousseau Community Impact Award
Click HERE to contact Khadijah today to
find out how you can help or participate.
Please click the link below to make a donation.
Thank you!
Thank You
for Your
Generous Support!