Story of the Circle
The Circle of VisionKeepers Programs and clothing shop was started four years ago by followers who were mentored by the late Robin“Doc” Herman, after he died unexpectedly from cancer in September of 2009. Doc Herman was the Executive Director of Hanbleycea House, Inc., along with Anthony Villa Sr. and Khalil Osiris. CVK Program Director, Khadijah Ali, has been a consultant with Hanbleycea House since 2005. She incorporates the principals of using the tools of building personal Integrity, when making choices and decisions (positive self-talk) which is enhanced by her own spiritual journey. ​
The Circle of VisionKeepers utilizes the Cognative Behavioral approach by using the Hanblecyea (Book of Parables) Psychology of Incarceration Reentry Model, based upon the curriculum written by the late Wright State University professor, Dr. Robin "Doc" Herman, which was co-authored by Anthony "Tony" Villa, Sr. and Khali Osiris.​
The program focuses on challenging the ex-offender to take a serious look at past behaviors, and encourages them to use the tools that support a healthy lifestyle, for themselves, their family and their community. Ms. Ali, Program Director was mentored by the program authors for over 10 years and is Lead Facilitator of the "Hanbleycea and the Psychology of Incarceration" in Ohio.​
​ Ms. Ali serviced as Project Coordinator at the Montgomery County Probation Departments: Personal Planning Project, using the Psychology of Incarceration and The Hanblyecea curriculum. She worked with individuals on Intensive probations for over a year with success. She contracted with Ann Bass Academy as a Workshop Facilitator: “Women’s Issues in Recovery and Re-entry” Co-Facilitated with Ed Lampton and Assoc. M.A.
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Robin "Doc" Herman and Khadijah Ali,
CVK Co-founders
Ms. Ali serves as a member of LEAD (Leaders for equality and action in Dayton), serves as Executive Secretary/Board Member of LAWO/ABLE (Advocates for Basic Legal Equality, Inc. ~Legal Aid of Western Ohio, Inc.) and is presently a member of the Exchange Club of Dayton.
She is also Co-Chair for the Montgomery County Office of Ex-offender Reentry Supportive Services Committee, and provides a Mentoring Program for the United States Federal Courts Probation Department under the Direction of the Honorable Judge Walter Rice.
As the assistant Director of the Al-Hajj-Malik-Shabazz Mission house, Inc. Ms. Ali started her career as an Advocate for offender’s empowerment services. She was Prison Program Director for the Central Ohio Seventh Step foundation in the 70s, and was responsible for weekly pre and post release Reentry groups at Chillicothe, the old Mansfield and Marysville (The Ohio Reformatory for Women) for over 10 years.​
​ Supportive services include, yet are not limited to, the new VisionKeepers Clothing Shop, which provides clients clothing for job interviews, community service, the workplace, bus tokens and the "VisionKeepers Talking Circles" every two weeks.
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