Khadijah Ali, CDCA, CVK Program Director
​"Where Blessings are Received,
and Blessings are Given"​
Khadijah Ali, CDCA, is the CVK program facilitator and trainer, co-founded the Circle of VisionKeepers with the late, Robin "Doc" Herman​, author of,​ "​​Hanbleceya: Quest for Vision: The Stage of Belonging​", and co-author of, "The Psychology of Incarceration: A Distortion of the State of Belonging".​
Khadijah and "Doc" envisioned creating a vital, supportive environment where those who had been incarcerated or in rehabilitation would have a host of tools available to them to help their transition back into their communities. Their dream has indeed become reality!​
Awards & Recognition
​Proclamation from Dayton Mayor, Gary D. Leitzell​
Proclamation of Kettering Mayor, Donald E. Patterson
ACT Program Certification of Appreciation Award
State of Ohio Letter of Recognition for Outstanding Service
Dayton Exchange Club Newsletter about CVK
​Robin "Doc" Herman, CVK Co-Founder
Community Partners
Community working together can achieve amazing results. CVK has many such progressive community partners within the Montgomery County and beyond. Every goal achieved begins as a vision, a tiny seed that once planted, then tended with care, can become a bountiful harvest of outstanding results!


Dayton Emerging Fashion Incubator


Dayton Exchange Club
Click HERE to contact Khadijah today to
find out how you can help or participate.
Please click the link below to make a donation.
Thank you!
CVK Services and Projects
The Circle of VisionKeepers, in affiliation with Two Trees, Inc, is a Certified Program by the Montgomery County Office of Ex-Offender Reentry to provide Recovery and Reentry Services in the State of Ohio. The CVK program goal is to empower the previously incarcerated with their reentry experience, as empowering the individual enhances a healthier family unit and promotes community well-being.
A helping hand and understanding heart can make all the difference in the world for those trying their best to make this important transition. The Circle of VisionKeepers helps generate the support, working to gain the funds and other resources necessary, to help people gain the education, job skills and other assistance that will help ensure a future of better options and more productive choices.
CVK provides bi-weekly Recovery (addiction groups) and Reentry Mentoring (Socialization & Reintegration groups) for the Returning Citizens from prison, jail and treatment. CVK is a vital, bustling organization. From educational opportunities; supportive meetings; job skills assistance; cultural and educational events and so much more, CVK is helping make the Miami Valley a healthier, more harmonious and enlightened place in which to thrive. Your generous donations keep CVK running- thank you!
Click HERE to learn more about the CVK current and past projects, services and programs.
Thank You
for Your
Generous Support!